Love is Here Album release!

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Me - living with a bunch of women??

Along this journey of discernment I must admit that I've used a few excuses along the way for not following the quiet but deep desires for religious life.  One of them I must admit was a belief I took on while in university...after living in community with L'Arche and having some experiences with some nuns that weren't that life giving I decided that "living with a bunch of women" just wouldn't cut it for me.  I need men in my life and I don't want to be surrounded in estrogen ;).  It doesn't help that most of my career I have spent working in schools whose staff is predominantly female (God bless our male Caretakers!). 

What the Lord has shown me in a very clear way this week is to take a second look at these thoughts/beliefs. He's done this by highlighting the amazing love and support I've recieved lately...and the majority of this has come from the beautiful women in my life (family, friends from church, the diocese, choir, work etc) - I would try to list of all them but it would be too long!  I am so blessed...and really, I know that living in a community of women won't be all sunshine and lollipops. If I think about it - would it be so bad living or being in a place with all the women I am surrounded by now, women of faith, of love, of laughter, wisdom, creativity and joy?  Certainly not! And I look forward to deepening my knowledge and making new friendships/connections with the women in the community I will be joining.  And I am so thankful to all those who surround me now, who walk with me in different ways, and who I hope to continue to walk with as this journey continues.

Lord, please remove from me thoughts or beliefs that block me from seeing your love.  Help me to be open to the beauty of your gifts around me, especially the women in my life, of the past, the present and the future.  Bless them and Mother Mary, help us to have the grace to love like you.  Amen!


  1. Hello My Lovely Friend,

    Thanks for being one of the inspiring, loving, creative women in my life!

    1. Same to you my dear, I love your enthusiasm and joy :)

  2. Very inspiring - your blog makes me think with gratitude about all the terrific women in my own life....including you! And it also makes me want to think about whether I am holding onto any long-held ideas that might be blocking my openness to new experiences. Hmmm....

  3. I am thankful for you too! I just realized that these are really good things to be thinking of during Lent and in light of today's Gospel :)

  4. We so look forward to sharing our Franciscan life with you also Chelsea! May Our Blessed Mother Mary's YES continue to strengthen and inspire you!
    With joyful prayers,
    Sister Mary Ann
