Love is Here Album release!

Check out my HearNow page which will link you to my album through your preferred streaming or download site.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Fourth Sunday of Advent - Come Emmanuel!

Fourth Sunday of Advent - Come Emmanuel!

Did you know Emmanuel means 'God with us'?  My last song in this 4 part Advent series is called 'Emmanuel' by Steve Angrisano. This is one of my favorites based on the well-known ancient hymn text of "O Come O Come Emmanuel".

May these final days of preparation for the Christmas season of 2019 bring you re-JOY-cing with Heaven and Earth at the birth of our Saviour - God in flesh... God with us for all time, until the end of time.  May we all know the gifts of Love, Light, Beauty, Hope and Joy today and always.

Is your heart ready for His coming?  I can't wait :)

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Third Sunday of Advent - Come O JOY

Third Sunday of Advent - Come O JOY and Hope for Humankind!

The hymn today is called Maranatha by Gerard Chiusano, and today we light the pink (or rose) candle marking the third Sunday during this time of waiting. We are called to be joyful heralds of what is to come!

  The lyric that stuck with me the most is 'hope for human kind'.  It reminds me of how God's divine work throughout history and still today is for ALL. How do I herald the joy and peace of God's coming kingdom to others?  How can I speak HOPE and peace into the lives of others who are stressed and feeling the burden of their life circumstances? 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Second Sunday of Advent - Come Light and Beauty

Second Sunday of Advent - Come Light and Beauty!

*If you're receiving these posts through email - please click on the blog link to see the video*

The hymn today, "The King Shall Come" by Trevor Thomson reminds us that Advent not only points us to the coming of Christ historically and in our hearts  on Christmas Day 2019...but also to the coming He promised at the end of time. At this time of year when we experience the most darkness (sunset at 4:30pm!) how beautiful is it to see Christmas lights everywhere and to be reminded of that glorious day that awaits when our King finally comes. 

Light and beauty are harbingers of God's grace and love - where do you see His light and beauty around you right now?

"The King shall come when morning dawns and light and beauty brings"

Monday, December 2, 2019

First Week of Advent - Come O Love

First Week of Advent - Come O Love and make us whole once more

This Advent I'd like to share a video each week highlighting some of my favourite more contemporary Advent hymns.  Please join in and share your comments/thoughts as we journey during this season of waiting and transformation. 

Have a listen to "Come, Emmanuel" by Trevor Thompson, published by OCP.  A lyric that strikes me is:  Come, O Love - in power revive your people.

What areas of your life need reviving?   It could be something as simple as breaking a little bad habit, trying to be more generous during the holiday season or something more deep/complex such as the healing of a broken heart.  Our Lord wants to come into whatever or wherever it is that we need...individually and as a community.