Love is Here Album release!

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Monday, May 28, 2012

My Life is a Construction Site!

“Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest,
And in our hearts take up Thy rest;
Come with Thy grace and heav'nly aid
To fill the hearts which Thou hast made,
To fill the hearts which Thou hast made”

This weekend Fr. Andrew mentioned how the Holy Spirit transforms and renews.  This got me thinking back to a metaphor that’s been with me the past few weeks: my heart/life is a construction site right now.  And who knows, maybe it always will be until I am ready to face my maker, when my journey and all that I’ve been meant to build/accomplish has been complete.

Of course, this metaphor is not meant to be taken literally; I don’t have a bulldozer on my back or a crane hanging from my head. What’s really changing is more abstract….like changes in attachments, relationships, ideas, expectations, desires.  I feel like it’s been an excavation phase, lots of moving and adjusting things around, lots of replanting things I want to keep but in a different location or hoeing up weeds and tossing them out all together, lots of surveying and seeing where things really stand.  Although sometimes painful, this is a season of transformation, and I have faith that the Holy Spirit is very much involved.  And, even though things were pretty beautiful before, I have to have faith that I'm going though all of this for something that is renewed and even more wondrous (although in my human limitedness I don't understand 'how' or all the possibilities of 'what').

Someone pointed out to me that it’s important to remember that this construction and chaos has a beautiful end in sight, something new and wondrous.  I was relieved as it made me realize that the noise of swirling of emotions, the confusion, replanting and letting go etc will not last forever and that perhaps, there’s something very good to look forward to.  What, I don’t know exactly.  I do know that if it’s something God has cooked up, it will be good.  But I have to trust.  I have to allow Him to transform and renew me. 
Come Holy Spirit, transform our hearts and beings so that may we be a source of love, joy, faithfulness, peace, gentleness and kindness to those whom we meet.

 Taken from:

Act of Consecration to the Holy Spirit
O Holy Spirit,
Divine Spirit of light and love,
I consecrate to Thee my understanding,
heart, and will,
my whole being for time and eternity.
May my understanding be always submissive
to Thy heavenly inspirations,
and to the teaching of the Catholic Church,
of which Thou are the infallible guide;
may my heart be ever inflamed
with love of God and of my neighbor;
may my will
be ever conformed to the divine will;
and may my whole life
be a faithful imitation of the life
and virtues of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
to whom with the Father and Thee
be honour and glory forever. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how there are definite seasons to our lives - seasons of calm and stability, seasons of sorrow, seasons of fun and adventure, seasons of change and turmoil. I am inspired by your trust and faith in God, as you await the "something good to look forward to". I know that God will bless you in your waiting!
