Love is Here Album release!

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Sunday, July 15, 2012


Wow, jumping off a deck into unknown, deep water is harder than it looks! 
On the first morning of my stay at a friends’ cabin on the Sunshine Coast of B.C., I decided in true “Chelsea fashion” that my first entrance into the lake water, the first of hopefully many swims over the summer and the inauguration of my summer holiday would most fittingly begin with something that pushed me out of my comfort zone.  And what a more perfect way, than to leap off a deck into cold water!  I knew it was safe, I knew I’d be fine and that I’m a strong swimmer…but guess what the hardest part was?  LETTING GO of the deck! (Of course ;)    It’s hard to describe all that went through my mind as I psyched myself up to let go…I knew I was safe and that the Lord would hear my prayer for safety and perhaps  for a little joy from the experience.  After a few false-starts I leaped off asking for Mary’s intercession.  I leaped off trusting that in the falling part I’d be fine, and then the rest was just swimming.  I didn’t even care about the cold water, I wanted and needed something to physically jolt me out of the stress-filled state I’ve been in lately. 
What’s funny is that as I reflected on the experience of jumping; the anxiety of crawling over the railing, the absolute fear I had to talk myself out of, the trusting prayer, the jump and the triumphant feeling as swam back to the dock, I realized that this experience in many ways is parallel to this journey of discovering my vocation and following God’s call.  In short, in August 2011, while travelling on a bus in Spain I heard the Lord ask me “When are you actually going to look into Religious life?”, I was filled with fear but deep down wanted whatever the Lord wanted for me…even if that meant actually looking into Religious life.  I had to trust, I had to let go of certain ideas/plans I thought I had in my near and far future, and I began to take baby steps.  Where does the leaping part come in? Perhaps it was when I finished my application and interview to be a Postulant. But I also think it will be when I board the plane to the USA, trusting that the Lord will help me with this “falling” portion of the journey, falling from my old life /ways into something new.  I know I’m safe and looked after, the “landing” will be great and even though I don’t know what it will look or feel like: the triumphant swim “back to the dock” and into my Saviour’s arms in the midst of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity, will truly be the greatest reward.  And then I’ll get out of the water, dry myself off and get ready for the next adventure and challenge the Lord has awaiting me...I have a feeling this is only the beginning!  :)
Dear Jesus, please help us to trust you completely.  Like a little child without a care in the world, may we never forget how it feels to be wrapped in your loving arms.
As we strive to take up our cross each day and follow you, may we be strengthened to do all you need us to do (even if it means jumping into the unknown!). May we grow ever closer to you in love each day. Amen!